Monday, November 07, 2011

When Is it Time to Join?

During the previous decade, many individuals and families have attended FBCF for upwards to three years before joining the membership of our church. It has been an interesting process of observation and inquiry between prospect and pastoral staff to ascertain the specific reasons and issues for hesitancy on behalf of the prospect for joining a church. Did the prospect have a preset list of questions when they first arrived? Did they walk in with no understanding of our church and its beliefs? Did they connect with other worshippers or did they remain anonymous?

In this article at 9 Marks, we find a list of questions that are helpful for prospective members or inquirers to ask when examining a church for membership. I encourage you to read through them and apply the questions to your situation whether you are an established member or prospect of a local church. Were these or similar questions in mind as you investigated your congregation or the one you are currently visiting?

When Is it Time to Join?

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