Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Youth Ministry Calendar Update

The Youth Ministry Calendar is moving toward the Spring/Summer time of the year. I have a list of all the upcoming activities for all the participants and their families. Please mark your calendars after reading the list.

Weekly Meetings
Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m.
Baptist Academy every Sunday evening at 5:00 p.m.
Youth Ensemble every Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m.
Youth on Mission every Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m.

Monthly Events
February 12- Parent's Night Out, 6:45 p.m. -8:45 p.m.
March 12- Game Night, 6:00 p.m.
April 2 & 9- Lawnmower Service Days (Fundraiser) all day
May 15- Graduation Recognition Day in morning worship service
June 13-17 Vacation Bible School
June 20-24 Theology Camp
July 9-16 Mission Trip to Elgin, Illinois

Just a Few Announcements!

Since I am a professional Minster of Announcements, I have a few reminders from Sunday morning's list. Since we had a technical glitch with the slides advancing on their own, I will slow down this presentation!

Parent's Night Out - Friday, February 12, 6:15 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. 
Registration for all children age birth to 6th grade will enjoy an evening of activities developed from the Biblical account of Jonah. All of the children will be organized by age and led through a journey of Jonah's life through storytelling, crafts, games, snacks, and the Veggie Tales movie: Jonah! The evening is free, but donations will be accepted to offset the cost of the snacks. All donations collected in excess of the cost for food will be applied to the scholarship accounts of the youth participating. 

Each child will need a sleeping bag or pad to place upon the floor as they view the movie. Any questions concerning the evening can be directed to Autumn Heaton. She has created a wonderful evening for all the kids and has the support of two adults per room in addition to the youth workers.

Men's Breakfast and Bible Study - Saturday, February 13, 7:30 a.m.
The monthly breakfast will be held in the Fellowship Hall for all the men of the church. A donation is collected for the breakfast. Immediately following the breakfast, Dr. Greever will lead the group in a Bible study and prayer time. 

Easter Musical Rehearsals will be increasing as the Drama Group will practice Sunday afternoon, February 14, at 5:00 p.m.  On Saturday, February 20, the Adult Choir and Youth Ensemble will rehearse in the choir room beginning at 9:30 a.m. 

VBS Worker's Planning Meeting - Thursday, February 25, 6:00 p.m.
All VBS volunteers will need to meet with Shannon Sikes, VBS Director, as she conducts an overview of the VBS theme and the teaching stations. Almost all of the teaching assignments have been filled, but Shannon could use a few more helpers for the week of June 13-17. If you can help, contact her soon.

These are a few of the special meetings for the month of February in addition to our weekly schedule. Thanks for reading!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Parent's Night Out Volunteers Are Needed!

We are so blessed with a small group of highly motivated teenage girls! They are always looking for opportunities to serve the church, and this search has led to a Parent's Night Out on Friday evening, February 12.

At the moment, the Youth Council girls, led by Autumn Heaton, are recruiting volunteers for the evening. The volunteer must be either youth or adult, male or female who loves children. For safety and security, they are especially looking for adults of FBCF previously screened with a background security check. This will allow them to operate the event under our child safety guidelines of two adults per room for the night. If you are member of FBCF and have been cleared to work with children according to our policy, then please consider the opportunity to serve.

Autumn has created a wonderful evening of activities for the children in preschool up to sixth grade. Beginning at 6:15 p.m., the children will be grouped according to age and led through craft projects, Bible story time, music, games, movies, and more. Snacks will be provided during the evening as well.

More information will come as we get closer to the date for pre-registration.

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Haiti 2016

It’s been a long time since I took the time to write on my blog. So long, in fact, that one would begin to think if I had fallen off the face of the earth! Well, I have reconsidered the purpose of the blog, and I intend to use it for updating my church members of important events. Since most of my ministry evolves around event planning, it would make sense to me to communicate (in real time) what is happening and how everyone should respond. So, here’s the first entry!

Today, I finalized the mission trip to Z’Orange, Haiti for our group of seven men. We will be working in the community by preaching, teaching, and assisting the staff of Truth Evangelistic Ministries with their work in the surrounding villages. Z’Orange is surrounded by several small villages within walking distance, and each has a church named Jerusalem. Jerusalem One, Two, Three,… You get the picture! Anyway, we will be traveling daily between the villages for training church members and teaching the Gospel to all who wish to hear. 

One of the villages is called, “The Voodoo Village.” We will be visiting and showing the Jesus film in Creole. The leader of the village is receptive to our purpose and is tolerant to visiting groups with our purpose. He shows restraint, but I’ve heard he can be cranky at times. Pray that we will have a good visit, and for the preaching/hearing of the Gospel on that day.

Our church has a presence in Haiti for the last decade as various members have worked in Bombardopolis with Steve and Faith at the hospital. We have another member living in Mare Rouge who assists at the local clinic by keeping all the documentation in order as people are seen by the doctors. Although this will a first journey for all of the members on this trip, we will be among friends for the week. Pray for my team members who are on their first journey for any trip outside of your comfort zone is difficult and the difficulty is compounded in a Third World country.

I am thankful for a church that supports mission work internationally and nationally. We give to mission work weekly and physically participate as often as God allows. Mission work is not something we talk about at Fenton, it’s something we do as a normal part of our life. If you are wanting to find an opportunity to volunteer on local, national, or international projects, talk to me anytime.